Piano Lessons Singapore Price

This table serves as an indication only for Piano Lessons in Singapore. Actual fees / prices vary due to varying qualification and experience of teachers and your location. There are teachers who charges LESS than the indicated rate and there are teachers who charges MORE than the indicated rates.


Monthly Fees
(4 lessons)



$170 – $190


Grades 1 to 2

$190 – $220


Grades 3 to 4

$220 – $260


Grades 5 to 6

$260 – $300


Grades 7 to 8

$300 – $350



$350 – $410


*rate varies depending on teacher’s qualification, experience & location.

A few factors determine the teachers’ rates:

1. Full Time / Part Time Piano Teachers
Full Time teachers are generally clocking more time teaching piano and thus are more experienced

2. Qualifications of Piano Teachers
Generally, a teacher with higher qualification, say a diploma certificate or Masters in Music, command higher rate than those with lower qualifications, say Grade 8.

3. Length of teaching career
The teacher with longer span of teaching experience commands higher rate.

4. Lessons at home / Lessons at teacher’s
Teachers usually charge a little more for lessons at students’ due to transport expense and travelling time and effort. The minimum they charge for transport per month is $20, depending on the distance and their willingness to travel. The above table includes the extra charges, such as transport, etc.

5. Personal fee structure
There are teachers who charge a flat rate for a range of level, eg, Grade 1 to 3, but most teachers charge an increment whenever the student advance to the next level. This increment could be $20 to $30. Smaller increment can be expected in the lower grades and a higher increment in the upper grades.

6. Adult / Children student
Generally, adult students due to their work commitment may not have high regularity of attendance and hence a teacher may charge a small premium for their lessons.   This is because the time slot has been reserved for them and the teacher would be losing their income whenever the student doesn’t show up.

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