Why Piano Lessons for Kids?

Research has shown that kids who learn piano:

  • acquire better mathematical and scientific concepts
  • have better rhythmic competency
  • achieve better academically
  • have better mental concentration and memory
  • develops greater sense of discipline
  • is more confident and can express himself through music

Why 1-to-1 piano lessons?

  • Piano teacher can customize the piano lessons for your child according to his need and at his pace
  • Piano teacher can adopt a suitable teaching style for your child
  • Preferred timing and day
  • Your child can enjoy learning piano with full attention of teacher
  • No hassle of arranging for your child to be fetched to and fro the music school
  • Enjoy the comfort of learning piano at your own home
  • Save traveling time

Yes, my child would like to learn piano!

Some inspiration from children like Cheryl (5 years old) & Chloe (6 years old)

Beginner Piano Lessons for children

It is never too young to start children on music and appreciation. Many even start from Perinatal & Prenatal music! For children below 4 or 4.5 years old, music appreciation group class is recommended. To learn piano, 4.5 to 5 years old should be a good age to start, depending on each child’s readiness. Younger children could start off with 30min lessons and move towards 45min when deemed suitable.

What your child will learn at Beginner Piano Lessons:

  • Basic Note-reading
  • Rhythm(Clapping/Percussion)
  • Counting/Accents
  • Posture
  • Fingering technique/Arm position
  • Finger strengthening Exercise
  • Music appreciation
  • Pieces and composers
  • Favourite pieces of your child (of suitable level)

Piano lessons for kids are tailored to individual student, because every child is unique

Graded Piano lessons for Children

Many parents would like lessons geared towards ABRSM graded piano examination. The following programmes are available:

  • Grade 1 Practical & Theory
  • Grade 2 Practical & Theory
  • Grade 3 Practical & Theory
  • Grade 4 Practical & Theory
  • Grade 5 Practical & Theory
  • Grade 6 Practical & Theory
  • Grade 7 Practical & Theory
  • Grade 8 Practical & Theory
  • Intensive Grade 5 theory

Piano lessons for leisure

Many parents would like their children to simply enjoy the journey of learning piano without the pressure of dealing with piano examinations while having to manage academic stress. Programmes are available to cater to development of holistic piano skills and musicianship.

Free Service for connecting you with Piano Teacher in Singapore!

We can help connect you with an ideal piano teacher and begin your piano & music journey now! Give us 3 days & you could be on your way in a week! Free service for parents & children!

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