Piano Lessons for Adults

Adult total beginner and not too musically inclined, but want to learn to play piano? It is never too late to start

Our selected pool of teachers have ample experience teaching adults with zero music reading knowledge or experience. Whether you are a beginner or an intermediate or advance pianist, our experienced and accredited teachers can tailor the curriculum and piano lessons according to your individual pace and learning style.

Piano Lessons for Leisure

Many adults choose not to go for piano exams but learn for leisure. Adults may take weekly lessons of 45 to 60min.

Beginner Piano Lessons

You will learn basic notes reading, Rhythm sensitivity, Fingering technique, and Expressions. Wide range of Repertoire from Classical, Pop, and Jazz could be taught.

Intermediate piano lessons

Level 1 (approximately 6 months)
Level 2 (approximately 6 months)
Level 3 (approximately 6 months)
Level 4 (approximately 6 months)

This is equivalent to Grade 2 or 3. Depending on the amount of practice and progress, it may take 24 months to a 30 months to reach this level of proficiency.

Advance piano lessons

It may take many years of practise and lessons to reach this level of proficiency. For Piano Examinations – ABRSM / Trinity Exams structure, please refer to respective exam board.

Benefits of piano lessons:

  • Taking up adult piano lessons is a great way to relieve stress
  • Because you want to learn, you are ahead of the learning curve!
  • Play at social events and steal some limelight
  • Express your mood and emotions
  • Improves concentration and focus
  • Memory development
  • Better music appreciation

Start by finding a good piano teacher!

A few common myths about piano learning as adult learners

Are children really better learners than adults?

In reality, there is little difference. Based on almost 40 years of teaching experience, with both adults and children, the belief that many people hold about children learning quicker than adults is actually not true. It is true that children are less preoccupied with other aspects of life, which subsequently leaves their minds more open, less distracted and ready to absorb new information, giving the impression that they process any new information quicker and easier than adults. What is often lacking in children is the real desire to learn – something which in adults can be a very powerful factor in the effectiveness of the learning process. Adults can be just as focused as children when it comes to learning, but the focus originates from a real desire to achieve something greater through learning rather than simply having a less cluttered mind, in the case of children. In many cases, adults who are driven and motivated will actually learn quicker than children due to their compelling motivation and their perceived added value of the learning. This motivation and focus on learning can affect the rate at which an adult learns more than anything else. An adult who is distracted and lacking in real motivation to achieve something through the learning process will typically not be a quick study and may seem slower to pick up ideas compared to children. Another common reason why adults may experience difficulties when learning is due to their high expectations and subsequent frustrations with the learning process. For example, an adult learning to play a musical instrument already has the awareness of ‘how it should sound’ based on their life experience; however, children generally do not normally possess this awareness. Adults, therefore become impatient and frustrated with their learning progress which can lead to anxiety and possibly a loss of motivation or desire to continue the learning and practicing process required to master the musical instrument. Adults need to be cautious about these unrealistic expectations that they should be better than they really are at any stage in the learning process and allow sufficient time for improvement and mastery of the subject, be it playing the piano or anything else.

If I didn’t learn to play the piano as a child, will I ever be a really good piano player as an adult?

The truth is as an adult you can learn to do it, just as well as children can. Children whose brains are exposed to stimulus early in life can develop greater musical intelligence as adults; however, it is not something exclusive to the field of music. Children who are good at dancing, gymnastics or any other sports can often learn to play the piano easier and quicker than other children who have not been stimulated in the same way in early life. The same is true for adults who excelled in sports or other activities as children who decide to learn to play the piano later in adult life. They find it easier and quicker than other adults who were not active in sports or other activities as children. It is the progressive neurological stimulation early in life as a child which stays with them into adulthood which makes the difference. A childhood which was stimulating and nurturing offers lifetime advantages in terms of learning something new as an adult. Adults who did not benefit from such an environment as children will find it more challenging to learn to play the piano later in life, just as children who do not have such a stimulating and nurturing environment find it more difficult compared to children who have. As the old saying goes, “It’s never too late to learn.”

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