T & C (Teacher)

Terms & Conditions for Piano Teachers

1. Eligibility
To be eligible to register as a teacher with us, you must be a Singapore Citizen/Singapore Permanent Resident or hold a valid Employment Pass.

You must be at least 18 years old. You need to have a minimum certification of Grade 8 from Associated Board of the Royal School of Music (ABRSM)orTrinity College London (TCL).

2. Referral Fee
A one-time referral fee of equivalent to 50% of the first month’s tuition fee will be charged to the piano teacher upon the commencement assignment. This fee will be collected from the student or parent and deducted from the first month’s piano tuition fee. Therefore, only 50% of the tuition fee will be due from the student or parent at the end of the first month. Teachers with first-lesson fee collection policy may do so after first month.

In the event you are authorised to collect the first month’s fee on behalf of YourPianoLessons.com, you are OBLIGED to return the 50% to YourPianoLessons.com. Failure to do so, we will have to report to the local authorities.

3. Trial Lessons & Referral Fee
We may offer the first lesson as a Trial Lesson if requested. It is up to the teacher to accept or reject Trial Lessons. Teachers will be paid prorated according to the 4 lessons/monthly rate. While we endeavor to make the best possible connection, the teacher and student should approach with the right attitude in mind. To promote the right behaviour, we still charge the teacher 50% of the Trial lesson fee.

Eg. For example, if the monthly piano lesson fee for 4 lessons is $140, the Trial lesson works out to $35 per lesson, which is payable by the student.

Referral Fee of 50% of trial lesson fee is still payable to YourPianoLessons.com by Piano Teacher. i.e. 50% of $35 in this example, which works out to be $17.50.

To know more about why students would like Trial Lessons or Why we offer Trial Lessons, please refer to Trial Piano Lesson.

4. Continuity of Piano Lessons
YourPianoLessons.com would as much as possible, screen and refer students with intention of having lessons in the long run. But if student changes their mind and quit after the first month, it is not YourPianoLessons.com’s liability to guarantee the continuity of the students. Referral fee is still due to us upon the student’s payment on the first month.

5. Cancellation of Assignment
In the event where the piano teacher, after accepting an assignment yet decides to cancel the assignment before the commencement of first lesson, the piano teacher is obliged to inform YourPianoLessons.com via phone call with an advance notice of 48 hours before the first lesson commences.

Failure to notify or with insufficient notice, a penalty charge of SGD 50 will be imposed.

6. Termination of Assignment
In the event where the piano teacher decides to prematurely terminate an assignment before the end of the first month, the referral fee is still payable by the piano teacher.

In the event where the student decides to prematurely terminate an assignment before the end of the first month, the referral fee is payable by the student.

However, in the event where the premature termination by the student is due to unacceptable conduct (such as being late unreasonably) of the piano teacher, the referral fee of is payable by the piano teacher.

7. Verification of Qualifications
If requested by student, piano teacher is required to bring all certificates for verification during the first lesson.

8. Disclaimer
YourPianoLessons.com will not act as an arbitrator or mediator for any conflicts or disagreements that arise between the tutor and the student. However, we are always prepared to offer our views and suggestions.

To Register with us as a Piano Teacher in Singapore, please fill up this form or email us your CV.

9. Piano Teacher’s Agreement Form
For teachers who are working with us for the first time, please fill up the following agreement form. This form has to be submitted to us on the first referral before commencement of lessons. Thank you!

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