Piano Servicing

Piano Transport

Piano Tuning

Piano Repair

Piano Restoration

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Piano Moving

Moving to a new location or shifting your piano? Moving your piano can be a risky affair if not done by professional piano movers. From minor scratches to internal damages, piano moving may be a risk. Let the piano transport specialists do their job. Specially trained to move all types and sizes of pianos, they have the experience and employ the right techniques to transport your piano safely.

To enquire more about piano moving, please contact:
Meg (65) 9725-5690

Upright Pianos

Average cost for upright piano is around $110 to $130 if there is lift landing from where the piano is and to the destination. Moving every floor or flight of stairs (without lift) is $10 to $30 more.
Shifting from a room to another within the house is around $70, the extra charge applies for stairs or floors without lift. Grand Pianos For baby grand moving would be $450 (if there is lift landing from where the piano is and to the destination)
Per flight of staircase or floor would be extra $120 For grand piano (middle size) moving it would be $550 (if there is lift landing from where the piano is and to the destination)
Per staircase or floor would be extra $120 For grand piano (largest size) moving would be $1300
Per staircase or floor would be $250

Please call the piano movers for quotation and enquiries.

Piano Tuning

Is it time to tune your piano?

Piano tuning is defined by Wikipedia as the art of making minute adjustments to the tensions of the strings of a piano to properly align the intervals between their tones so that the instrument is in tune. Fine piano tuning requires an assessment of the interaction among notes, which is different for every piano, thus in practice requiring slightly different pitches from any theoretical standard. In all systems of tuning, every pitch may be derived from its relationship to a chosen fixed pitch, which is usually A440. Piano tuning ensures good quality sound which will help the pianist in his aural sensitivity when he parctises with the right pitch.

How often should you tune your piano? It depends. There are many factors that could affect the tension on the strings and wear and tear of the mechanisms over time. Where there are four seasons, a common answer is to tune it twice a year. In Singapore, we do not experience so much change in humidity and temperature. It depends on the condition of the piano, the usage and where it is located and the environment.

To enquire more about piano tuning, please contact:
Meg (65) 9725-5690

Average price for piano tuning is S$70 – S$80 for upright piano and S$110 – $150 for grand piano. Rescale charges are higher.

Curious about how piano tuning works?

Need a Piano Doctor to repair that key or one of that hundreds of moving parts in your piano? Repair of piano involves repairing or replacing the damaged parts to its original condition so that it can function as before. It requires a trusted, experienced and knowledgeable technician for you to entrust your investment to.

To enquire more about piano repair, please contact:
Meg (65) 9725-5690

Piano Restoration
Have an old piano which needs some restoration or repair to bring it back to live? Ranging from minor finishing to major restoration, from concert pianos to heirlooms and antique, you may want to consider the option of restoration, especially when it is an expensive or vintage piano. It could be prudent to restore than buy another new one.You need a reliable, trusted workshop to help you transport the piano safely to the restoration facility, change the original parts, adjust to original specifications and finish up with appropriate finishing and touch ups while retaining its character.

Please call the piano workshop for quotation and enquiries.

To enquire more about piano moving, please contact:
Meg (65) 9725-5690

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