Trial Piano Lesson

Not too sure if the piano teacher is right for your child? Want to meet the piano teacher and discuss before starting lessons? Find out about the trial lesson.

Teachers, want to assess student’s proficiency and discuss with student and parents on policies and style and methodologies before starting on longer term basis?

As requested, we have trial lessons for students. Here is some information to note when you go for trial lessons.

You CAN’T really judge on how the piano lessons will go as there are things that you can’t tell on basis of just ONE lesson. We do not encourage ‘shopping’ for teachers nor shopping for ‘students’ by trying out this teacher and that, likewise for teachers. In other words, it is not good to teacher-hop every now and then. However, if the proposed piano teacher sounds like he or she is the right profile and the only one thing you need to, is to meet the teacher or let your child meet the teacher, to see if you could Connect with the Piano teacher, especially when it is a young child we are talking about, then, go for it. Of course, for students who don’t go for Trial lesson, that does not mean you cannot switch a teacher later on when need arises. Most private piano teachers in Singapore do not have contractual agreement with the students, so the student actually enjoys quite a bit of freedom and flexibility. We encourage students to give yourself and the teacher some time to adjust to the methodology, style of teaching and discipline and for teacher to understand the learning style and character.

How do we charge for trial lessons?

We may offer the first lesson as a Trial Lesson if requested. It is up to the teacher to accept or reject Trial Lessons. While we endeavor to make the best possible connection, the teacher and student should approach with the right attitude in mind. To promote the right behaviour, students will be charged a lesson’s fee (prorated according to the 4 lessons/monthly rate). We will still charge the teacher 50% as administrative fee for the Trial lesson fee.

Eg. For example, if the monthly piano lesson fee for 4 lessons is $240, the Trial lesson works out to $60 per lesson, which is payable by the student.

Referral Fee of 50% of trial lesson fee is still payable to by Piano Teacher. i.e. 50% of $60 in this example, which works out to be $30.

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