Tips on Buying a Digital Upright Piano

If you are looking for an exceptional value on a piano, consider an upright digital model. With the selection of an upright digital piano you don’t need to sacrifice quality or feel, yet you will be able to save money. The digital piano market has progressed quite a...

Acoustic vs Digital Piano

Since the digital piano came onto the scene, there has been a debate over which piano is better. In the early days this really wasn’t such a hard decision, however as now technology is changing, the supporters of the digital piano have more reason to be selecting the...

Choosing a piano teacher in Singapore

Learning piano is one of the most popular curriculums in Singapore for children. Often, many parents look around before they enroll their children in piano lessons. One of the challenge is where do they go to find a professional and experienced piano teacher? When...

Different Types of Pianos for Various Needs

There are many different types of pianos that have been developed to meet the needs of amateurs, piano students and professionals. By its nature the piano is a large and bulky instrument, for this reason smaller compact models have been built, below we will list...

Piano Exams in Singapore Grade 1 to 8

Many parents in Singapore like their children to go for piano exams. The most popular piano exams in Singapore are conducted by ABRSM and Trinity Guildhall which are UK music exam boards. Exams range from pre-graded to diploma level with tens of thousands of...

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